News and Events

Halloween 2001

Too darn cute!

Yeah, we bad!

Just click your heels three times...

When Helene said undergrads caused her
hair to change color, most of us thought
she meant to gray.

Avast, ye land-lubbing grad students!

Do not adjust your set,
this is not Sally Fields

Halloween? Oh shoot, and I forgot
my costume!

The joke here is just too easy.

Don't worry, research computing
is on the case!

Madison has an appointment with
the Chair.


Pardon me, buddy, could you spare
some Lucky Charms?

The Chair tries to hurry his
proposal processing along.

The Dean's here! Quick,
look busy!

That's not a kryptonite cookie,
is it?

Howard's favorite halloween photo.

Tam, smiling doesn't reinforce
the ghosts' scariness.

I said HONEY! NOW!!!

Dianne's Tips for Success:
When asking for a raise,
dress appropriately first.

Spanky and Our Gang meet the Justice League.
... or was that the Village People?

After a fun halloween party,
Amy and Lora relax after removing
their makeup.

First Rule of the Web:
Start with a cute photo,
end with a cute photo.