News and Events

Mary Gates Research Training Grant Winners!

The EE department is pleased to announce that seven of its undergraduate students were recently awarded with Mary Gates Research Training Grants. These prestigious and competitive grants are awarded on a campus-wide basis to undergraduates as a way to enhance their educational experiences, enabling them more fully to pursue their education and deepen their involvement in work with faculty on research, curricular design, the creative arts, and other forms of scholarly endeavor. Awardees receive between 2 and 3 quarters of funding, depending on the length of their projects. Students receiving these grants are also named as Mary Gates Scholars. Students from the EE department who received awards in this most recent round of competition include:

Sukting Chong, working with Prof. Scott Dunham
Eddy Ferre, working with Prof. Eve Riskin
Lester Lim, working with Prof. Hyojoung Kim in Sociology
Paul Liu, working with PRof. Radha Poovendran
Jeff Longnion, working with Prof. Tom Daniel from Zoology
Mitch Lum, working with Prof. Blake Hannaford
Michelle Raymond, working with Prof. Alex Mamishev

The EE department is very supportive of undergraduates participating in research, and we encourage all students currently involved (or those who will be in the future) to consider applying for the Mary Gates Research Training Grants. Faculty who sponsor undergraduates in their labs should be aware of these grants as well and encourage their students to apply. Competition cycles happen each autumn and spring quarters. Undergraduates who will be involved in research with faculty for at least two quarters are eligible to apply for $3,000 grants, and students participating in research for three or more consecutive quarters can apply for $4,500 grants. Award installments of $1,500 are paid quarterly.

For more information in general on undergraduate participation in research, see the department's website at: