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Keep In Touch

Whether you are a new ECE graduate or have been out of school for a few years, we'd love to hear what you're up to! Please use this form to let us know what your plans are upon graduation, or fill us in on what you've been doing since then. The information you share with us may be posted to our Alumni Class Notes or included in our alumni newsletter.

Much of this information is optional (required fields are in red). Please note: personal information other than your name (e.g. your mailing address, phone number, and email) will not be made public.

When you're done entering your information, please click on the "Submit my information" button at the bottom of this page. A copy of your submission will be sent to the email address you've provided.

Your name (please include maiden name, if applicable)
UW student number
Email address
Web page
Address 1
Address 2
City State/Province
Zip/Postal code
Country (if not USA)
Phone number
Highest UWECE degree program completed
Quarter/Year graduated from UWECE
Anticipated/Current/Recent Industry
Name of Anticipated/Current/Recent Employer
Is this employer located in the state of Washington? Yes    No
Title of Anticipated/Current/Recent Position
Is there anything exciting happening in your life? For example, have you had any interesting experiences or accomplishments that you'd like to share? Do you have family news or any interesting hobbies to share? We'd also love to hear how your education in UWECE prepared you for your professional life.
Check this box if you'd like to be contacted about opportunities for your company/employer to collaborate with the ECE Department (e.g. advertisement of jobs/internships, career fair, corporate affiliates program, etc.).