Among the top-ranked programs in the country, the Department of Electrical Engineering offers degree programs for both undergraduates and graduates (including working professionals). At the undergraduate level, we offer a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, with an ABET-accredited curriculum that combines strength in electrical engineering fundamentals with extensive laboratory experience and an environment that stresses leadership, teamwork, and creativity. The department also has a focused program of ongoing improvement in undergraduate education, including curriculum revision for core classes, new laboratories, and new courses ranging from consumer electronics to nanotechnology.
At the graduate level, we offer research centric Master of Science and Ph.D. degrees, with concentrations in Electromagnetics, Devices and MEMS, Energy, Controls and Robotics, VLSI and Embedded Systems, Communications and Wireless, and Signal and Image Processing. We also offer a Professional Master's Program, designed for professionals seeking to expand their career opportunities in the field of electrical engineering. Courses are taught by UW EE faculty members and are scheduled in the evening so that students generally need to come to campus only once per week. The PMP leads to the same degree (MSEE) offered through the daytime program.
Prospective Undergraduate Students
Everything you need to know about entering the BSEE program.
If you are interested in applying to the EE department for our BSEE programs, we encourage you to attend our monthly Information Sessions which are scheduled the second Thursday of each month at 2:30pm in EEB 303.
Contact Info:
Phone: 206-543-2142
Fax: 206-543-3842
Prospective Ph.D. and MSEE Graduate Students
Information for applying to the department's daytime graduate program. Includes criteria for admission, instructions, and link to electronic application.
If you are interested in applying to our daytime MSEE & PhD degree programs, we encourage you to attend our quarterly Information Sessions (dates to be announced) or contact our main office for an appointment.
Contact Info:
Phone: 206-543-2142
Fax: 206-543-3842
Prospective Professional Master's Program Students
Information for applying to the Professional Master's Program. Includes criteria for admission, instructions, and link to electronic application.
If you are interested in our evening Professional Master’s degree programs, please see our PMP website for dates of Information Sessions.
Contact Info:
Phone: 206-616-4909
Fax: 206-543-3842
Non-Degree Options
Information for students who wish to take courses but are not in a degree program.
Contact Info:
Email: or
Phone: 206-543-2142
Fax: 206-543-3842