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Tim Kowalewski Wins Best Doctoral Candidate Award

Photo of Tim KowalewskiTim Kowalewski, an EE Ph.D. student in Blake Hannaford's BioRobotics Lab, was awarded the Best Doctoral Candidate award at the first annual Doctoral Consortium for Medical Simulation and Robotics held last week in Chicago. The consortium is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

Tim was chosen by a panel of engineers and surgeons over nine other engineering students based on the novelty, scientific merit, and broad impact of his project, the quality of his presentation, and his ability to address the panel's questions and comments. The award was presented at the American College of Surgeons Annual Meeting of Accredited Education Institutes. In addition to Tim, three other UWEE Ph.D. students presented their thesis proposals at the meeting - Diana Friedman, Phil Roan, and Hawkeye King.

Congratulations Tim!

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