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Jandhyala and Poovendran Promoted

Photo of Radha Poovendran
Radha Poovendran
Photo of Vikram Jandhyala
Vikram Jandhyala

Congratulations to Vikram Jandhyala and Radha Poovendran on their promotion to Full Professor, effective September 16, 2010.

Professor Jandhyala is famous for his research contributions in integral equation based fast solvers, electromagnetic circuit methods for microelectronic simulation, parallelized N-Body matrix solvers in multicore and distributed environments, and new applications of fast methods. He is also the founder of the start-up company Physware.

Professor Poovendran is famous for his research contributions in Secure Location Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks, Jamming Attacks in Wireless Networks, Vulnerability Metric for Wireless Networks, and Security, and Networking and Control of Future Aviation Information Systems.

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